School Re-Invention

Under this comes the overhauling of the existing teaching and learning system and learning environment and suggesting the student centered framework required for the 21 century school. The entire evaluation happens on qualitative and quantitative models benchmarked against the best practices in education and business. Our final report suggest on the area of Improvement in academics and non-academics (co-curricular and sports).

Academic Assessment/ Audit

The curriculum and contents are evaluated as per the need of 21st century skill sets , this includes content delivery by the teachers and suitability of the same as per learning environment. The sports curriculum are also evaluated based on outcome as envisaged by the school

Non Academic Process Audit

Non-academic functions in a school’s operations are critically reviewed against benchmarks, SOPs and operating manuals. The review covers marketing, admission management, facilities, transport, IT & communication, procurement, resource management, finance and HR. Based on review and discussions with the school management, areas of improvement are identified and an action plan is formulated

Learning Space Audit

The school environment has to be safe, aesthetically appealing and inviting physical environment this includes right furniture and fixture for different activities both for learner as well as facilitator. We should always remember that learning does not happen inside four walls we need more space to collaborate, reflect, re unite and so on to be successful in the 21st century, NeoWave is probably the first in India to perform Learning space audit with the help of academician and process improvement professional.

Running Schools

360° / full service school operations and management | Marketing, advertising and communications | Developing student admissions | Recruitment and retention | review and audit – educational, operational, financial | education content, policies and operational procedures | equipment & resource procurement | JVs & value add service providers for schools